Puppy or Rescue Dog Home Consultations…

Our puppy and rescue dog home consultation is a personalised service provided to help ensure a smooth transition when bringing a puppy or rescue dog into your home. The goal of this consultation is to assess both the home environment and the puppy’s or  rescue dog’s needs, helping you, the new owner to understand how to provide the best care and support for their new family member.

Rescue dogs often come from challenging backgrounds, such as neglect, abuse, or abandonment, so they may have specific behavioural or emotional needs that require special attention. Puppies also have special requirements when making the transition from the breeder, where they are part of a litter, to being alone in a home environment.

During a home consultation, we will visit your home to evaluate factors such as the layout of the living space, the presence of other pets, and the routines of the household. We can also observe how the puppy or rescue dog interacts with the new environment and with family members, and offer advice and training tips so the dog feels safe and comfortable, and creat a positive new routine.

Ultimately, our home consultation helps ensure your new puppy or rescue dog adjusts smoothly, while also equipping you with the knowledge and tools to foster a positive, long-term relationship with your new furry friend.

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